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DOMENICO ROMEO on Creating an Opera through Cryptic Artworks

"To me language is everything because it is the base of culture. If you have the right approach to language itself you can also improve, explore and provide more culture in general."


HOLLY SILIUS: A Revelation of Bodies and Faces

“I trained as a swimmer. I used to swim 16 hours a week, being surrounded by bodies all the time. The anatomy, the muscle sculpture, everything about the face, the body and the water is still in my work.”


AYA SHALKAR: Intertwined in the Inexplicable

"Our job as creatives is to find and rediscover languages to translate it into the world, physically, visually or through context."


MONAI MCCULLOUGH:Decolonizing Horticulture with Green Designer

"[...] plants are not simply possessions, they like us, move, change, grow, wither, and survive."


ANA TESS on Being a Creative Solvent

"Remember your ancestors and where you came from. No matter how successful you are, your roots are always going to stay with you."


TORU KUROKAWA: The Evolving Philosophy

"Work is my proof and cannot be separated from living."


LAURA MARIE CIEPLIK: Posing a New Direction

"I want to keep believing in things that inspire me."


RENÉE PARKHURST: An Honest Expression

"The importance is staying true to who we are artistically and not changing that to appeal to fast changing trends. But as long as it feels right, go for it."


MAYA SAMAHA: Moving Stories

"Feeling connected to others, collective healing, shared energy, it’s all changing the world everyday."


JAN GRARUP: (Un)covering War

"The media landscape today is very fast forward. What was interesting four months ago is not interesting today. Right now Ukraine is something that everybody talks about but it won’t last very long. And that’s a big problem."


JOHN WOOD and PAUL HARRISON: The Bipartite Genius

"We like to keep things simple. Making things complicated is easy. Making things simple is not."


NICLAS CASTELLO: A Golden Realization

"The Castello CUBE is a conceptual work of art in all its facets. The idea manifests itself in the golden cube. To manufacture something that is out of this world, that is intangible."


TEGA AKINOLA: Reworked Identities - Stepping into a New Dimension

"The easy part is that you don’t have to try to be different. By being yourself, you already are."


JULIE RAGOLIA: A Theory on Clothing

"Clothing, for me, is a common thread that weaves through all of us as humans."


ADRIAN BIANCO on the Value of Passion Projects

"We really doing this beyond business. It's our "ikigai" - what gives your life worth, meaning and purpose."


JEAUNI CASSANOVA: Empowering the Femme Identity

“I was born a romantic and my whole life has been dedicated to telling the story of the love I dream of.”


ANDREW B MYERS: A Step Forward

“I hope that the world becomes a more curious place in general. I think we have the ability to learn so much about anyone and anything. I really want us to take advantage of this.”


LOUISA MENG: Strong and Sensitive

"If I ever get the biggest thing to happen to me I’m going to look back and be like, the journey it took me to get to that dream, is the dream."


YOANN BOURGEOIS: Poetry in Motion

“To me, creator, audience and performer share a playground, an imaginary game that consists in to make the poem.”


JUSTIN RIDLER: Falling into the Inter-dimensional Rabbit Hole

“I think photography is a collection of doors. A collection of keyholes, you could say,”


DENNIS SONG: Edge of the Jewellery Art

"The nature is valuable as a source of knowledge and understanding, my inspiration often comes from the cognition of nature. "



"Conversations are always the cornerstones, the primary source of creative energy."


CESAR IDROBO: Crafting Tomorrow

"You could be at the right source of inspiration but if you don’t know how to translate that inspiration into what you’re trying to create, into your field, if anything goes missing in that translation from inspiration to idea, the essence of it could get lost."


JOHAN DECKMANN: Artiste Sans Saviour Complex

"To pursue truth regarding yourself, others and our reason to exist, honesty with yourself and others which I think leads to well-being and passion, having a goal, a direction that adds meaning to your life."


SYNCHRODOGS: In Tune with Nature

"..people need to be brought up from the very childhood in an absolutely different manner, more future-oriented in ecological sense."


ALICE ZUCCA on the Future of Content

"Literature and art, on the other hand, are worlds that unite but also teach us to be alone..."


NARCISA PHERES: Diamonds for Breakfast

“There is no greater designer in the world than nature”


DIANE PERNET: The Godmother of Fashion Bloggers

"I don’t have much of a creative process with writing, I’m a very spontaneous writer. I never intended to be a journalist, it happened by accident."


BENCE CSALAR on Creative Freedom and the Future of Fashion and Media

"They used to say that online media will overtake offline media for good. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle."


ANDREA BROCCA on Artistry in Lockdown and The Rise of Demi-Couture

" I conserved all of my energy that I would use for travelling and getting dressed and channeled it into creating."


XABITAT:Chanting to the Beat

"We grow as individuals through communicating and learning from others."


KATERINA PEREZ: A Thousand Facets

“You know, I always go with the flow and never try to force anything”


STEPHANIE TENGS: Drawing with Moons

"They are very similar things, but I think there is a difference between being happy and comfortable with yourself, versus the thought of ‘I am going to die alone"



"It wasn’t by accident that I became what I was dreaming to be. I always was in love with having and wearing beautiful things”


VANILLE VERLOËS: An Ethical Love Affair

"I’m very concerned about global warming, though in my work I explain to the brand how to be more conscious and sustainable."


GABE SIN: The Late Blooming Tree

"When I was young, each house had furniture made out of mother-of-pearl, called ‘jaggae’ in Korea, which is a traditional Korean craft. "


ASGER CARLSEN: The Case of an Innocent Discovery

"When I say believable, of course I don’t mean reality."


AMBER JAE SLOOTEN: Fashion’s Deus Ex Machina

"I think everybody can create a fantasy about themselves in which they could see themselves grow."


PAM HOGG: The Cult

"Ambition for me is to constantly find a way to express what's inside of me, to find a way of giving something new, something that could perhaps touch someone."



"The more I allow the release of control, the more clarity I gain in my work."


ANE ALFEIRAN: The Self-taught and Self-representing Artist

"Sometimes the concepts are deeper and more important than the physical work itself, however I do believe it’s essential to have a balance between the concept and the artwork itself."

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