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Nini Molnar, Model & Fashion Designer, Budapest

The beautiful faces behind the arts.

We often see, now more than ever, successful models venturing off into other creative fields, taking on the roles of Creators. From Maye Musk and her ‘A Woman Makes a Plan’, to Amanda S. and her culinary inventions, the creativity and point of view of those used to shine in front of cameras are unique, to say the least, and deserves acknowledgement, praise and a special place in our wardrobes, on our walls and in our bedside drawer.

There is no better drum major to our metaphysical marching band of models/creators than Nini Molnar, GAHSP’s first cover girl and the opening act of the #GAHSPvanity campaign. In her campaign interview, Nini focused on self-love and the importance of starting to perceive love to oneself as a habit, as opposed to a luxury.

To celebrate the freedom of self-expression and self-acceptance Nini and GAHSP are launching a #nofilterseptember , an initiative that encourages us to stop using social media filters for one month and get vulnerable with ourselves and one another.


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